Baby stingrays looking out of this world while dancing. This video was shot at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport Oregon. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
901:32The flemish (Belgium) flower painter Pieter Wagemans uses the "A la Prima " technique.
906:50BigDog handles heavy objects. The goal is to use the strength of the legs and torso to help power motions of the arm. This sort of dynamic, whole-body approach to manipulation is used routinely by...
900:48Some unlikely characters turn up to spread a smile across the face of a heartbroken man. Will they succeed?
900:45A Clumsy soldier with an ill fitting helmet gets himself and his country into a spot of bother.
801:46One man challenges another rather more reluctant man to a duel in this funny animation. The loser will die in an instant, from one swift shot. Or not...
1001:28A sketchy look at family life: Daddy's on childcare duty while mummy gets the ice creams.