Rollin' Safari: Flamingos
Original title: Rollin' Safari: Flamingos
Original title: Rollin' Safari: Flamingos
Some unlikely characters turn up to spread a smile across the face of a heartbroken man. Will they succeed?
Vincent Malloy is seven years old He’s polite and always does as he’s told For a boy his age, he’s considerate and nice But he wants to be just like Vincent Price He doesn’t mind living with his...
Dir: Hannes Häyhä / 2004 / FinlandMusic video for the band 'Lodger' - bass player Hannes Häyhä created this flash music video featuring a hapless one-eyed stick man which proved so popular he set up...
Imagine A World Where Being "Gay" The Norm & Being "Straight" Would Be The Minority! [Short Film]