International Social Video: With Windows 8, you don't have to choose between Speed and Beauty.
901:05Dir: Hannes Häyhä / 2004 / FinlandMusic video for the band 'Lodger' - bass player Hannes Häyhä created this flash music video featuring a hapless one-eyed stick man which proved so popular he set up...
903:37Two-dimensional animations merging and melding the work of famous artists. The film won an Academy Award as best animated short film in 1993.
906:59This is one of the greatest Animated film I have ever seen. A wonderful and inspiring adaptation of Earnest Hemingway's story of the same title. Aleksandr Petrov, the one man Army behind this classic...
919:56Wingsuit / BASE-jump athlete Alexander Polli does the never before done - a tactical flight through a narrow cave on a rugged mountainside. The flight starts with a jump from a hovering helicopter...
902:05Canadian Space Agency Astronaut Chris Hadfield demonstrates the physics of tears in space. Credit: CSA/NASA
901:25What do you do when your girlfriend always peeks at her presents before it's time to open them up?
902:45Baby stingrays looking out of this world while dancing. This video was shot at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport Oregon. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
901:32The flemish (Belgium) flower painter Pieter Wagemans uses the "A la Prima " technique.