Birthday Boy, by Korean-born Sejong Park, is a computer animated short film set in 1951 - during the destructive Korean War. Little Manuk is playing aorund his war ravaged village and dreaming of...
Written and directed by Dayyan Eng, Bus 44 (Che si shi si,车四十四 ) is one of my all time favourites. A nation of one billion souls should also appear in these pages. Bus 44 is one of those dramas that...
Indian animator Gitanjali Rao won the Kodak Short Film Award, Small Golden Rail and the Young Critics Award with Printed Rainbow at Cannes in 2006. It is a beautiful and touching film that switches...
A schizophrenic pickpocket scours the underground trains at the command of his inner demons. But when an accidental score reconnects him with a long-lost love, he must test his strength and defy the...