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Flash content is getting blocked in the latest versions of browsers. To enable it in Google Chrome, first open your browser and type chrome://settings/content/flash in the address bar or go there from menu "Settings / Privacy and security / Site settings / Flash". On a flash setting page, set toggle to Ask first (recommended). Now, with Flash enabled, whenever you visit a webpage with Flash content, you’ll need to click on the Flash player for it to start.


Pac-Man (or Puck Man) is an arcade game developed by Namco and licensed for distribution by Midway, first released in Japan in 1979. Immensely popular from its first release through today, Pac-Man is universally considered as one of the classics of the medium, virtually synonymous with video games, and an icon of 1980s popular culture. Upon its release, the game became a social phenomenon that sold a bevy of merchandise and also inspired an animated television series and a Top 40 pop single. When Pac-Man was released, most arcade video games in North America were primarily space shooters such as Space Invaders and Defender. By breaking out as a completely new style of non-violent game that appealed to both boys and girls, it found massive success. Pac-Man is often credited with being a landmark in video game history, and is among the most famous arcade games of all time. The character also appears in over 30 officially licensed games and sequels, as well as in numerous unauthorized clones and bootlegs.

If you want to play this game offline and without any browsers after December 2020, then download .swf game file and use any Flash Player that runs .swf files.

For Windows users, I recommend ARFlashPlayer (it supports fullscreen option) or official Adobe Flash Player. Both programs are portable.

Another way to play flash games is to install SuperNova SWF Extension (it works in Chrome only).



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