Cat Bat

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Cat Bat

Yet again the medieval castle is infested with unwanted cats. You have been drafted by the king to rid the castle of all the pesky little pussies. Cat Bat is a skill game on in which you gently coax the cats over the wall to freedom. Try not to hurt the little blighters on the way. Points are obtained by keeping the cats in the air. If you can keep two in the air at the same time, you will get more points. If the cats fall from too high they will meet an unpleasant end. Also if two cats meet on the ground, head to head fighting ensures which means one dead cat. That

If you want to play this game offline and without any browsers after December 2020, then download .swf game file and use any Flash Player that runs .swf files.

For Windows users, I recommend ARFlashPlayer (it supports fullscreen option) or official Adobe Flash Player. Both programs are portable.

Another way to play flash games is to install SuperNova SWF Extension (it works in Chrome only).



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